4 Important Benefits of Obtaining Continuing Education Units

Many people are realizing how beneficial and convenient it is to enroll in online courses. In fact, statistics from a recent Global Shapers Survey found that 77.84% of those surveyed have previously taken online classes. For massage therapists, many prefer to grow their set of skills by receiving continuing education units. It’s understandable to wonder…

How to Get Into A Prep School

Many people in teh United States have tunnel vision in terms of understanding how schooling works. Many people only believe that public schooling is the primary option and often these very same people think that it is the best option. While public schools are great and provide education for a large number of students, many…

How Private School Music Classes Can Benefit Your Child’s Brain Development

There are many advantages of private schools over public schools for younger children. Private schools have a reduced number of students (up to 87% have fewer than 300 students enrolled). This makes the classes smaller, which enables the teachers to have a stronger relationship with your child. It also enables the private schools to involve…

Homeschool Spanish Curriculum for Children Begin Teaching Them a Second Language as Soon as Possible

Are you planning to homeschool your children? Or perhaps you’re interested in supplementing their public or private school education with additional coursework, such as second-language acquisition. Whichever situation applies to you and your children, you’ve probably noticed that since your child was born, they have been naturally acquiring language skills through imitation, repetition, songs, and…

Why Your Child Should Go To An Online School

Finding the right high school experience for your child is important, especially if you’re trying to prepare them for college. You want to make sure that they can enter into higher education knowing exactly what to expect, and you want to find the learning style that works just right for them. And that’s why online…

Did Your Children Have a Great Summer of Camps and Other Great Educational Activities?

We just found out that all of the sudden, we have two cabins open for our Labor Day Weekend Family Camp. If you have never done this weekend with us, it is a hoot! Lots of activities, great crafts, awesome community, a multitude of hikes, and wonderful worship. If you are interested in snagging one…

Why Bible Bookstores Still Matter

Religion is an integral part of the every day lives of millions of Americans. And given that 82% of American people identify with some form of Christianity or another, they truly have a lot more in common in the course of their lives than they might realize. They pray–55% of Americans say, according to a…

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