Whenever you have to work while having young children, you’ll find yourself hoping to find good day care or child care near your job. However what you may consider to be good, someone else may not find to be as good. As such, it is important to take a look at what different childcare options are available and what each of them have to offer. They include:
1. Corporate day care is sometimes offered by your employer as a part of your benefits package. Typically these centers are located on site or, at least, very close to where you work.
2. Family day care is typically held within a family’s home by a single person. Some do employ a few teachers to help them though.
3. Nonprofit daycare centers typically receive a lot of funding so they can access more resources.
4. For profit daycare are paid by parents only. Therefore, they have to pay for a lot of things that nonprofit centers don’t. This is why they’re oftentimes much more expensive.
5. Preschool is for those children who are between 3 to 5 years old. They help with your child’s personal, social and emotional development. Some academic learning does take place here but children will benefit primarily from the social aspects of this type of an early educational setting. Read more here.