Are You Looking for a Way to Help Child Adapt to New Friends, New Environments?

Sand tray miniatures

The post on the neighborhood website was intriguing. It indicated that there were at least three groups of parents of children with special needs who wanted to get together and start a dinner group. The goal of meeting was to provide support and to share information about available area resources.
Although your husband agreed to attend with some hesitation, both of you came away from the evening feeling energized, refreshed, and even happy. You were glad to connect with a group of parents who were facing some of the same struggles that you have. You were especially excited to have met one particular mother who seemed to be a knowledgeable and valuable resource about therapy play groups and other kinds of therapy tools. After an evening of both tears and laughter, you now how the name of several new friends who will likely serve as a major support system in the years to come.
Parenting is never easy.
If you have a child who falls somewhere on the Autism spectrum, however, parenting can be even more difficult.
As parents of children with special needs look for play options and therapy tools to help them connect with their children, as well as help their children connect with peers, many families look toward other families, and sometimes therapists, for support. One therapy tool that is especially helpful to many parents and their children is play therapy.
Nothing is more difficult to bear than watching your child struggle to connect with his or her peers. For children with psychological conditions, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders, or for children who have been diagnosed with Autism or Asperger’s, however, play does not come naturally. The lack of rules and the constantly shifting nature of play make behaviors unpredictable and challenging. With the help of play therapy counselors, though, these trained professionals can help children practice both individual and group play.
Knowing how to productively play with toys, puzzles, and other kinds of materials can help students control their behavior and even calm themselves in many situations. With the assistance of a trained professional parents can learn how to help their children successfully interact with therapy toys like sand tray miniatures and therapy cards. Hands on therapy tools make life more enjoyable and manageable for many families.
Child play therapy toys and therapy tools, when used on a regular basis, help integrate children into groups with the peers.

  • Initially, children would rather play alone than with others. As they age, however, most children have the desire, and can be successful, at playing with peers. In fact, play becomes increasingly important as children get older. In fact, up until about the age of 12, most children use play as a means of communication.
  • New research continues to stress the importance of play and peer interaction. For instance, any child who is experiencing a major life change may benefit from therapy tools. For the 33% of all children will go through a change in the family structure, including divorce or separation before they reach 18 years old, successful coping mechanisms that are often first learned in play group settings.
  • Estimates indicate that every year, 12,000 children are hospitalized because of suicide attempts that can be traced to childhood depression. Parents of some of these children may have noticed some warning signs, but may not have known what to do. Intervening with available therapy tools may be a step that could make a difference in a child who feels isolated or depressed.
  • Every child matters and every child deserves the opportunity to be successful. Some children, however, need more help and guidance in their journey of navigating what can seem like the confusing system of play, friendships, and social interactions.
  • Deciding to attending play therapy groups provide children and teenagers a way to Interact successfully in nonthreatening settings.
  • How long has it been since your child had a play date? If you are struggling to find a situation where your child can succeed, perhaps it is time to try a play therapy group.
  • Every parent wants the very best chance for their child.
  • Learn how to ask for help when you need it.
  • Parents of children between the ages of three to 12 often indicate play therapy is especially helpful.

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