Taking the next step and deciding to attend Graduate School can have a looming affect on potential candidates. The Graduate Record Examinations test, first administered back in 1949, has since adapted a new scoring system that clouds the ability to easily understand the score of an individual. At one point, the GREs were used primarily for Graduate School admissions and the only way to get into Business School was General Management Admission Test. Today more and more Business Schools are accepting the GREs as an applicable exam for Business School. The GRE is more of a paper based exam where the GMAT is computer based. To get an idea of what the GMAT is like, researching a GMAT course to get an idea of what would be covered is a good first step.
In a GMAT course, potential Business School candidates learn about the structure of the test and the ways the GMAT works. The GMAT tests higher order reasoning skills in Verbal, Quantitative analysis, Analytical writing, and integrated reasoning. It is also interesting to know that 55 percent of the 2011 GMATs taken were done so by citizens of countries other than the United States. To find a GMAT prep course Toronto, contact your Business School administrator or search for an informational website on the GMAT course in the area. United States citizens looking for GMAT course Chicago or local offerings.
A Gre prep course is not going to have the same information and preparation a GMAT course will offer. GREs differ from GMATs in the aspect that they are used for most other Graduate programs. The GMATs are the preferred exam used by business schools. At the top 50 business schools, the median score is 660 out of a possible 800. A GMAT course may offer insight as to how to succeed on the test but a GRE course will deal with more global understanding and can sometimes be hard to understand what the score means. Check out Gre prep chicago or a GMAT course to learn more about the offerings and to get insight on which exam you should pursue. To learn more, read this: www.quantumtestprep.com