Learn about the Specialized Schools for Helping Children with Learning Disabilities Develop Socially and Academically

Developmental and learning disabilities in children are among some of the most complicated situations parents have to deal with. Not only do children with learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia and Aspergers Syndrome (AS) struggle to fit in socially, fitting in academically presents a significant challenge. About 5-10% of American children…

Helping Drug Addicted Teens Help Themselves

It’s sad, but true that most people who develop addictions to tobacco, alcohol, or drugs have their first experiences to those substances when they are young. Parents of children who have developed addictions often struggle to understand what happened, and even more often, what should happen next. Here, we’ll provide a few possible answers to…

How Does Cyber Schooling Affect a Student’s Chances at Getting Into a Good College?

Have you ever heard of the cyber charter schools in PA? These cyber schooling programs are a growing industry, with an estimated 100,000 students attending each year. In fact, from 2011 to 2012, there were an estimated 275,000 students in the U.S. who enrolled. These programs are an alternative to traditional schooling that offers both…

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